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How to Deal with Anxiety Just Before the Examinations

Posted on: July 15, 2017

Does your mind go blank at the time of examinations? Do you wish you were anywhere but here at those times? Do you get nervous with the thoughts of failure and success sinking in? Some students take the emotional pressure of facing examinations head on without any fear or apprehension. Others do not know how to deal with anxiety. Not being able to deal with math anxiety can lead to a bad performance even when you know the answers. Productively understanding how to deal with anxiety can lead to an academic victory. Let us have a further look in to the different types of apprehension.

  • Low-level nervousness: This is one of the most common feelings scholars face at the time of testing. It incorporates the fight or flight response to stress and it is not necessarily a bad thing. If the scholar has prepared well, it will give the candidate the necessary boost of adrenaline to perform good.
  • Excessive nervousness: This level of apprehension includes physical symptoms as well as emotional symptoms. The physical symptoms can include but are not limited to dry mouth, headaches, cold hands and feet, butterflies in the stomach, dizziness and feeling extremely cold or hot. Depending on their health, some people may even faint when confronted with such extreme conditions.

How to Deal With Anxiety Before Examinations

There are some simple steps that learners can take with the wonderful benefits of technology to avoid such extreme circumstances and perform well.

How to Overcome Anxiety

Here are a few tips to relieve tension related to the testing process:

  1. Study well: Know the complete syllabus which will be a part of the assessment meticulously. Get help well in advance of your papers if you don’t understand any of the points related to the academic research. Get the teacher’s attention and don’t hesitate to interrupt and ask questions during class.
  2. Systematically organised: Once you have all your goals and objectives presented in front of you in a systematic manner, you will no longer feel the need to hesitate when confronted with an assessment of those ideas academic writing services. You will be like a soldier drawn towards the battle to attain victory. The feeling of apprehension will be converted in to determination in achieving your goals.
  3. Preparation: Find the appropriate methods and techniques which work best for you to achieve writing skills improvement. Some people work much more efficiently in the calm and quiet atmosphere of the library. Others will understand the subject content better conducting a group study. Don’t be reluctant to experiment new techniques and then stick to the ones that work for you.